The level of need for our service is growing and this is resulting in increased waiting times to be seen. Our current wait time is approximately 3 ½ years from the date we receive your referral.

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to answer any queries relating to your wait and when an appointment will be offered, but should you have any concerns regarding your child’s health needs you can contact your GP for further advice and support. Please note that your GP will not be able to advise about our waiting times.

We sincerely apologise for the long wait and the frustration this may cause and the impact it may have. Whilst you wait to receive an appointment for an assessment, there is a lot of support and resources available that may meet your child’s and family’s needs and challenges. You can find further information via the following links:

Our usual practice is to inform you, in writing, that your child has been accepted on to our waiting list. During your wait for an assessment, we will also communicate with you regularly to reassure you that your child is still on our waiting list and as soon as an appointment becomes available, we will contact you.

We would appreciate every effort being made to attend your appointments. If an appointment is not suitable, please can you contact the team as soon as possible on Tel: 02921 836789 so that the appointment can be offered to someone else needing our help.

If your circumstances have changed and you no longer require our service, please let us know by completing the online form. If you have any other questions, you can also submit these using our online contact form.

Your patience and understanding during this challenging time are greatly appreciated.