Knowing what we can do to look after ourselves or where to go for advice can help us feel better and have better relationships with the people around us – both today and in the future. The Neurodevelopmental team have gathered together a set of resources to help with issues that can be faced by children and young people who are referred for a neurodevelopmental assessment.

Please note that these resources, apps and helplines are not part of the services provided by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (unless otherwise stated).

  • We are not responsible for the external content mentioned on this site.
  • Always read an app’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy to see how your data may be used.


Anxiety is a natural human response to stressful situations and a very normal feeling.

However, it can be scary to feel anxious if we don’t know why we are feeling that way or it is lasting a long time.

Go to our page to find out more.

This app helps you to face your fears by learning breathing, relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help you change your thoughts and behaviours.

Meic is an information and advocacy helpline for children and young people aged 0-25 in Wales.

You can speak to a friendly advisor about anything that’s bothering you.

Meic are open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact them free on the phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat.

This app helps to manage anxiety. The anxiety tracker helps you understand things that make you feel anxious, and the self-help toolkit provides techniques to manage anxiety through self-help exercises and private reflection.

This is a self-help workbook for young people in secondary schools who may be experiencing anxiety. It explains what anxiety is, and what it feels like, but mainly it gives practical advice and activities that you can do if you are struggling with feelings of anxiety.

For some young people this workbook can be used simply by reading each chapter and completing the activities for each. But it may be helpful to work through it (or parts of it) with an adult you trust so they are able to support you.

This is a self-help workbook for young people who may be experiencing anxiety which is based around school. It explains what anxiety is, and what it feels like, but mainly it gives practical advice and activities that you can do if you are struggling to attend school due to anxiety.

For some young people this workbook can be used simply by reading each chapter and completing the activities for each. But it may be helpful to work through it (or parts of it) with an adult you trust so they are able to support you.

Breathing exercises, relaxing music and games to help calm your mind and change negative thoughts.

Free with in app purchases.

Download it on the App Store or Google Play

Bereavement (someone close to me has died)

Losing someone who is important to you is one of the life’s biggest challenges, no matter your age. This is known as ‘a bereavement’.

Have a look at our page on the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health website for more info about how you may feel during these tough times.

Developed by Child Bereavement UK and bereaved young people, this website provides information, real life experiences about feelings experienced following the death of a loved one, and advice on where to access further support.

They also have a telephone helpline, email support and live chat available 9 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday.

To contact them:

  • Call the helpline on 0800 02 888 40
  • Email
  • Live chat on the website by clicking on the blue ‘Chat with us’ icon or box

Website for young people offering advice for when someone dies, helpful resources and personal stories from other young people who have experienced loss.

Cruse Bereavement Care, who run the website, also have a support information line for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, open Wednesdays 10 am – 12 pm.

To contact them:

  • Call 02920 226 166
  • Email

Cruse also have a national helpline open every day – typically 9:30 am – 5 pm on weekdays and 10 am – 2 pm on weekends.

Contact them by calling 0808 808 1677

Marie Curie offer care, guidance and support for people living with any terminal illness and their families.

They also offer a helpline offering practical and clinical info and emotional support – open 8 am – 6 pm on weekdays and 11 am – 5pm on Saturdays.

To contact them:

  • Call 0800 090 2309
  • Live chat on the Marie Curie website

Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children and young people up to the age of 25, their families and those who care for them.

They have a free Helpline where you can get immediate advice, guidance and support from trained bereavement professionals (open 9 am – 5pm on weekdays).

Ongoing specialist support is also available for those who need it.

To contact them:

  • Call 08088 020 021
  • Email
  • Chat online (Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings)


Bullying is when someone physically hurts or verbally abuses another person. It can include unwanted teasing, making people feel bad about themselves and deliberately leaving someone out.

Check out our page on bullying for more information and resources.

Information and resources on bullying.

They also offer a e-mentoring service for those affected by bullying behaviour, historical bullying and other issues caused by bullying behaviour

The Bullying Support Hub provides lots of resources and tips for if you are affected by bullying.

Information from Brook on how online bullying can make you feel and how to overcome it.

Education and school

A checklist of activities and grounding exercises for learners to try during transition, alongside a trusted adult.

Emotional wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing and mental health is a really big subject and can affect us all in different ways.

There are lots of general resources about every day emotional wellbeing that you might find useful.

Free resources on a range of topics for parents / carers and their children from Bridge the Gap.

Feeling Good offers Positive Mental Training audio programmes based on scientific research which can help you feel better, lift your mood and recover from stress, anxiety, and depression by building resilience and developing positive feelings.

You can download the Teen version of the app for free at the bottom of the page.

A resource created by young people for young people, including information and links to services in relation to emotional health and well-being

Project Me is an online programme for 13-25 year olds to help you through those times when you need some extra support for your wellbeing. This includes quizzes, videos and blogs.

Free information and resources on a range of topics from Young Minds.

Helping other young people

We know it can be difficult to know how to respond when someone opens up to you about their mental health. Check out our resource below for advice on how to respond.

Reading Well for young people recommends expert endorsed books about mental health, providing 13 to 18 year olds with advice and information about issues like anxiety, stress and OCD, and difficult experiences like bullying and exams.

The books have all been recommended by young people and health professionals, and are available to borrow for free from public libraries.

You can find the booklist here.

Information for young people about how to support a friend who is struggling with the way they are feeling – also available in Welsh.

Here is Young Minds’ advice on what you can say and how you can support your friend while looking after your own mental health too.


Being LGBQT+ is of course not a mental health problem – but you may face some additional challenges that could affect how you feel.

Check out the LGBTQ+ specific resources below and our page on feeling different for more information.

Information service for LGBTQ+ people and their families.

Call 08000 50 20 20 or email  open 9:30 – 4:30 Monday – Friday

Stonewall Youth also provides information and support for young people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.


Mindfulness is all about choosing to pay attention to what is happening in the moment. It is a chance to take a break from your worries and help you feel more in control of your emotions.

Find out more about mindfulness in our self-help section.

A free app to help with sleep, anxiety and stress.

The Pzizz app helps you quickly calm your mind, fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.

It uses “dreamscapes” – a mix of music, voiceovers and sound effects designed using the latest clinical research – to help you sleep better at night or take power naps during the day.

Free version available.

This self-help guide is designed to give you some ideas of how to practice mindfulness, which may help in reducing worries and managing other difficult emotions.

There is no right or wrong way to do this so work at your own pace. It may be useful to this with someone close to you or share parts of this.

Relationships and sexual health

Relationships can have a big impact on our lives and how we’re feeling.

Free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing resources for people under 25.

Provides young people in Cardiff and the Vale with a tailored, specialist and confidential relationship and sexual health service.

These can be 1:1 in a place of your choosing, or group work in schools and other organisations working with young people.

The experiences you have because of your sexuality can impact your mental health. Here’s some information to help you get the support you deserve.

Self-image / self-esteem

Self-esteem is how we think about ourselves. Find out more here.

Dove’s Self Esteem Project features some resources and articles about self-esteem and body image for children and young people

Information for young people about confidence and self-esteem, what can affect them, and tips to help you feel better about yourself

This self-help workbook explains what confidence and self-esteem is and what impacts it.

It also gives practical advice and activities that can help boost you up!

You can either complete this on your own or alongside an adult you trust so they are able to offer support.

Body image is how we think and feel about ourselves physically. Sometimes we worry about how we look or what our friends think about our body.

If you are struggling with body image, here is some advice from Young Minds that can help you.

Self harm

I need help now!

A free, online 7 week course for young people aged 14 – 19 years old who are struggling with self-harm or are worried they might.

Each course has up to 8 young people, all accessing the sessions from their own phones, tablets or laptops across the UK. The courses take place on different evenings of the week and are run by friendly, trained counsellors and volunteer youth workers.

You don’t need an adult to refer you or sign you up, and no-one will see or hear you during the sessions – you’ll just join in via the chatbox.

Offered by Self Harm UK

An app to help young people to manage emotions and reduce urges to self-harm, including a mood diary, toolbox of techniques to reduce distress and automatic routes to crisis services.

Use this app to resist or manage the urge to self-harm through various activities. The app is private and password protected.

List of things to try to distract yourself or replace the need to hurt yourself.

This self-help workbook provides information and advice about self-harm.

Most importantly, it gives some techniques and tools for young people to keep themselves safe and help reduce self-harming behaviour, as well as how to get support and what help is available.

You can either complete this on your own, or alongside an adult you trust so that they are able to offer support.

The Mix gives 5 tips if someone tells you that they’re self-harming.

Information about what self-harm is and what to do if you are affected by it.

Suicidal thoughts

I need help now!

This app is a pocket suicide prevention resource to help young people stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

In addition to the resources, the app includes a safety plan, customisable reasons for living, and a life box where you can store photos that are important to you.

Talking to others

When you’re going through a tough time, connection with other people is really important, even if you don’t want to talk to them about what’s going on with you.

Try to keep talking, texting, listening and checking in with your friends and family.

The Childline Message Boards are a place to speak to other young people, share your experiences or just have fun.

These boards are anonymous and all posts are checked by moderators before being posted.

House rules and FAQs can be found here.

The Kooth platform is open to young people aged 10 – 18 years old. It offers live moderated forums, the chance to chat to members of the Kooth team about what is on your mind, lots of helpful articles and a daily journal to track your feelings.

Currently only offered in Cardiff.

Discussion boards for 13 – 25 years olds across the UK to talk anonymously about what’s on their minds and help others going facing similar situations.  

The Mix also offer online group chats once a week or so – make sure to read the guidelines before you sign in.

Childline offers moderated message boards where you can share your experiences, have fun and get support from other young carers.

These boards are anonymous and all posts are checked by moderators before being posted.

House rules and FAQs can be found here.

Track your mood

It can be really useful to track how you are feeling over a period of time, as well as some of the things that might be causing you to feel different emotions.

Try this apps below to see if any of them suit you. You may prefer to write this down in a diary.

This free app will teach you how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental wellbeing using 3 simple steps:

  • ‘Catch It’ records and rates your mood
  • ‘Check It’ asks you to take a moment to reflect on what you’re thinking
  • ‘Change It’ asks you to think about a better way of dealing with a problem

The Samaritans have a self-help app to help you track your mood. It also provides tips to look after your emotional wellbeing.

You’ll need to create an account to use this resource.

Notice, record and manage your worries using this free app.